Capabilities in tax compliance and consultancy


  • advise you for the most appropriate tax choice when starting your operations in France. Subsidiary, branch or simple liaison office, each obey to different tax and operating rules which may also be impacted by the tax treaty in force between France and the country of registration of the parent company.
  • once your operations have started, prepare and file directly with the French tax authoritie all monthly, quarterly or annual returns for direct, indirect and miscellaneous taxes, and particularly, for the most common: annual income tax returns 2065, 2031 and 2035, VAT returns, payroll tax (for VAT exempt companies), business taxes (CFE and CVAE), apprenticeship tax (TA), training tax (FPC), social housing tax (PEEC), tax on company cars (TVS), etc.
  • with a power of attorney, position payment of all your monthly, quarterly or annual taxes so that you are in no way disturbed with it and, above all, you do not risk incurring penalties for late payment.
  • obtain for you a VAT registration in France, with issue of a French VAT number, if you are a foreign company wishing to engage in VAT-taxable operations in France without having a permanent establishment.
  • prepare, whether you are a French or foreign company without a permanent establishment in France, the monthly Intrastat returns for goods and services (DEB and DES) and file them with the French Customs authorities.
  • reclaim for you, if entitled to under the 8th EU Directive, the refund of TVA (VAT) paid on purchases made in France, or even in other member countries of the EU.
  • if you are a foreign company making distant sales (web selling or mail order) in France, for example via a commercial web site, Interexco can, with a power of attorney, prepare and file your VAT returns and position their payment, at the correct due date, on the bank account you will have designated.
  • advise you, according to the type of activity and your goals, on the most adequate tax strategy for your company in France, or in order to close a particular transaction: sale or purchase of a business, sale or purchase of shares, of other assets of any form including real estate, mergers of any form. Interexco can of course provide all advice for setting up special tax schemes, from which you could benefit, like tax groups for instance.
  • If you are an individual with income from other countries than France, for example as international manager, football or other international sports athlete in general, Interexco can guide you to fully benefit from international tax treaties and, if appropriate, from the impatriates’ regime, article 155 B of the Franch Tax Code (art. 155 b of CGI), regarding both personal income tax and  wealth tax (ISF – Impôt de Solidarité sur la Fortune), in order to avoid you the often extremely costly and risky complications of income tax laws and regulations.